You require a will when you want to pass on your estate to those you love after you pass. This legal document details how exactly you want everything you own to be distributed.
You may feel it is important to leave something behind for your spouse, children, siblings, friends and colleagues. You may want family and friends to receive a portion of your estate to live comfortably or just remember the time you spent with them.
Not everything is obvious when you first write a will. There are several things to include in your will to ensure it goes through probate without trouble. Here’s what you should know:
Include the correct verbiage
A will may begin, in one way or another, addressing what the document is intended to accomplish. This may mean writing “This is my last will and testament,” then following with a more detailed exposition of what that all means.
However, if this isn’t your first will, you should also include a statement that this will supersede all previous wills, which should now be considered void. Ideally, all copies of a prior will should be destroyed, but this statement can help clear up confusion if they aren’t.
Provide signatures
Ending a will is similar to any other form of an official document. One way to know if a document is real, as opposed to forged, is by who has provided signatures.
California law is quite specific about the requirements for wills. Under normal circumstances, your will must be signed in the presence of two people who not only know you but know you are signing your will.
The first time you write a will may seem intimidating, but you may find yourself updating them over the years. You may find it easier to contact experienced guidance when writing your will, whether it’s the first time or the fifth.